December 30, 2012

Party Like It's 1999

Carmel-by-the-Sea, California

And so, we came to Carmel, driving up late last Saturday night in a fairly light rain. We drove out through Westlake Village and Thousand Oaks, passing the off ramps for both salsa clubs where I regularly dance. I would be leaving salsa behind me, mas o menos, as I concentrated on taking long walks with Billy, working on a writing project, and spending as much time as possible with good, close friends. Truly the object of the exercise, and starting with Todd, Christopher, and Carole who arrived earlier on Saturday.

Billy and I hit the ground running on Sunday after I attended Mass, getting our Trader Joe's and Safeway marketing out of the way before we all went to an early happy hour at Rio Grill, then back to their house for an improvised salmon dinner. Christopher's parents are also here, staying in the guesthouse of the home Todd and Christopher rent. The guesthouse is called The Dog House (the big house being called, The Big House -- don't blame me I don't make this stuff up).

Todd & Christopher's older black lab, Cole, took the next morning off, while the rest of us watched Frenzy, their indomitable goldendoodle, steal as many balls as she could get her paws on while running and jumping on the leash-free dog beach, in the brilliant sunshine of a post-rainy day in Carmel.

On Christmas Eve the seven of us had a celebratory dinner at Montrio in Monterey. Billy and I stayed up late watching A Christmas Story until we fell asleep. We raced out of bed in the morning and off to Mass. The first carol was a Latin-themed one which I loved, this and all the rest of the music with the choir augmented by ten or so pieces of strings and brass. Afterwards, we went home to bake two cakes (really) and roast a ham (seriously). We brought those three items to their home, plus a balloon-modeling kit and the Christmas crackers which I was supposed to bring to the restaurant the night before. A lucky oversight, as the crackers contained numbered whistles in different pitches which we used to play a variety of Christmas carols according to the numbered score which was enclosed. This conducted, quite competently, by Todd. Imagine the extra accompaniment of howling laughter. Christopher had prepared poached halibut osso bucco with gremolata and whipped potatoes with herbs. I'm not kidding. His composed roasted pear and frisee salad with hazelnuts and blue cheese was amazing. My chocolate ganache cake (minus the ganache) and Mission Cake made with cranberries (recipe available here in a post entitled When In Rome -- while supplies last so hurry) rounded out the meal. The balloon-modeling kit came with instructions so that you could create animals. Carole and Christopher actually accomplished this, while others twisted together the long balloons into hats, creating headpieces worthy of The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins. More laughter, of course.

We saw Lincoln (the movie, not the late president as that would be creepy) at the Del Monte cinemas the following day. It was raining again, so the theaters were heavily populated. Afterwards, as Christopher's parents stayed home that evening, and Carole had already left for her home in Twain Harte earlier in the day, T&C brought dinner which Christopher cooked at our house -- lobster ravioli with brown butter and parsley. Billy and I had picked up a loaf of sourdough bread, and, as usual, good wine was flowing (and a bit of vodka at the start). The following day, we went to The Bench at The Lodge at Pebble Beach for lunch before Todd, Christopher, and I repaired to the Spa at Pebble Beach for massages.

And now we are approaching the end of the year, New Year's Eve, and the following day departure of Todd and Christopher. What a really great time we have had here both hanging about in the two rental homes, and going out to some really fun and fine restaurants. I am so grateful that the four of us, like many of our friends, are of the same mind about memory-making. There cannot be anything more important to the feeding of our souls than to spend time creating memories with friends who have become our family.

John and Sandra will not be able to visit us on this trip, as Sandra is undergoing  a difficult course of treatment during this time. She is the first person in my mind when I attend Mass here. And, I am sure, in Billy's mind as well. But my list is long, with myself at the bottom asking on my own behalf for understanding, comprehension, and peace. I don't want for much, but can always use a little more of those things with regard to our planet, mankind, and my own complicated soul.

Lastly, and luckily, I have my favorite girls returning to Carmel later in January. This year they are flying up, which I applaud. Why waste time on the road when you can fly in the night before, even if late the night before? It's the 21st century, after all! After they leave, Twain Harte Carole will be returning for a few nights so that we can check out the Monterey salsa club scene. I was hoping my salsa friend, Carol(without an e) could also come, but she has a pesky court date to settle things with her soon-to-be-ex. If not, I bet she would come in a shot. She's another one of us memory-makers.

I know how fortunate we are to have the friends we have, and to spend time with a few of them here. I know how lucky I am that when I am out of town, my salsera friend, Carol, texts a photo of herself and three other salseros to let me know I'm not forgotten. I am so grateful that Lydia and I text and talk regularly, even though both of our present days are full. And I am thankful that I am here, in this beautiful place, staying in this wonderful house. I am writing this in the great room by a roaring fire, while Billy watches Young Frankenstein for the bizillionth time. And so, I wish you all health, happiness, safety, and peace in the new year. I wish you lots of opportunities to make memories with the friends and family you love. And don't forget the best memory-maker of all--don't forget to dance, and to party like it's 1999! Happy New Year, and thank you all for reading my blog! 

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About Me

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California, United States
Once, I came up with this brilliant idea (well, I thought so, anyway) that the key to happiness was to concentrate on three things -- to choose three interests, then focus and funnel your energy into that trio. I was an English major in college and have always written in some shape or form. So, my first choice was writing. I've always kept journals, and have also written plays, novels, poetry, and shopping lists. I do have a day job. It deals with numbers (assets and finances). Go figure. I went to college at a California University. I live in California, Los Angeles, but not downtown. No children, and sadly, between dogs at the moment (dog person, not a cat person). Enough info? I was going for just enough to not be a cypher, yet not enough to entice a stalker. And, I started my blog after being dragged, kicking and screaming, to do so. Blogs! Read about ME here, right? But I have been advised that this is a way to write regularly, and to put your writing OUT THERE. So, here goes. My name is Bronte Healy. Thanks for reading my blog.