August 10, 2018

Real Time with Connie

Los Angeles, California

Connie and I went to a taping of Real Time with Bill Maher last Friday evening. It was the second taping I've been to this summer, and the best of the two. While the show is always funny, and usually interesting, this particular one was downright scary. One of the guests, Nancy MacLean, who is a history professor at Duke University, has written a book entitled Democracy in Chains, which I don't think I could read because the premise scares the bejesus out of me. And that's all I'm going to say about that. Google, if you will...

After the taping, Connie and I went to Connie and Ted's for dinner. I didn't have oysters and a lobster roll, as I usually do. Instead, I had a Bombay Sapphire martini and a soft-shell crab sandwich, with french fries. They have such good french fries there!

And, speaking of french fries (which is much less scary than political commentary), the last Frister Friday, when Lynnette came to stay, we made Cold-fry Frites from Patricia Wells' recipe. I bought a ton of canola oil at Costco, and we used 1.5 quarts to fry 1 1/2 pounds of russet potato sticks. It was fun and fab. You have to eat them in the space between burning your fingers and their getting cold and waxen. But, in that space between, they are stupendously delicious.

In spite of waxing rhapsodic about french fries, I have been eating more salads at home. I think Christopher kickstarted me with his farro salad. I have lamented more than many times, that a woman only has so many salads to be made in her lifetime. I hit the wall about fifteen years ago. There is nothing I hate making more than salad. All the washing of greens and vegies, and then chopping, making salad dressing... It just got so tedious. So I ended up eating salads when I was out for a meal, which is generally a lot, and ate mostly roasted vegies at home. But again, that farro salad... So, here's my salad du jour. I've been roasting radicchio, then slicing and mixing with romaine. Also roasting fennel and tossing that in, with garbanzos or borlotti beans, and the rest of the usual suspects: heirloom cherry tomatoes; radishes; kalamatas; some feta cubes or halved mozzarella balls; a handful or two of farro, all tossed with a sherry-vinegar vinaigrette and voila! Back in the salad business. Of course it takes about 45 minutes to prepare and about ten minutes to consume, but that's salads for you.

Connie and I spent our dinner talking about friendships. She is not my longest-known friend, but we have known each other since college, which was quite a while back. And she is someone with whom I very much enjoy spending time, whether here at my home on Frister Fridays, in Arizona for MLB Spring Training or out and about. It was a great, albeit scary show and great dinner, but mostly great conversation with a great friend. A great evening, which makes me greatful (ha! ha! Take that, spellcheck!). Oh, and yeah, she ordered a salad, but did sneak in a fry or two. Life is short, so (and I think this goes without saying) one should always eat french fries first!

And thank you for reading my blog during these summer salad days...

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About Me

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California, United States
Once, I came up with this brilliant idea (well, I thought so, anyway) that the key to happiness was to concentrate on three things -- to choose three interests, then focus and funnel your energy into that trio. I was an English major in college and have always written in some shape or form. So, my first choice was writing. I've always kept journals, and have also written plays, novels, poetry, and shopping lists. I do have a day job. It deals with numbers (assets and finances). Go figure. I went to college at a California University. I live in California, Los Angeles, but not downtown. No children, and sadly, between dogs at the moment (dog person, not a cat person). Enough info? I was going for just enough to not be a cypher, yet not enough to entice a stalker. And, I started my blog after being dragged, kicking and screaming, to do so. Blogs! Read about ME here, right? But I have been advised that this is a way to write regularly, and to put your writing OUT THERE. So, here goes. My name is Bronte Healy. Thanks for reading my blog.